Friday, 30 March 2012

View more presentations from autumncorry.

I have created a PowerPoint on the costumes in which I intend my characters to wear throughout the soap trailer. I think that they work well and are simple. I didn't want to over complicate the outfits because I want the audience to remember the characters and by what they are wearing will help.

Friday, 9 March 2012

I have decided to use "Mt Eden Dubstep - Prodigy : Omen (Bootleg)" as the background music for my soap trailer. I have decided to use this tune as I feel that the tempo is not too fast but has an eerie upbeat feel to it. As my soap trailer is based around teenagers, the tune goes well. Its a tune which most teenagers are familar with. It can come across as negative, but is still fast and loud. It is perfect for the mood of our soap trailer.

I have decided to use this clip of Waterloo Road as the main influence to my soap trailer. As I want my soap trailer to be based in a school like Waterloo Road, I looked at the clips from Waterloo Road. I found this clip the best and thought that it would capture their audience. Even though the clip only lasts 21 seconds it still gets across to the audience its aims.

When I create my soap trailer, I want it to last around 30 seconds to 1 minute.